Man’s first tools were stones which he had picked up. He
choose stones that had been worn and sharpened by weather into shapes that
could be used clubs for cutting and scarping.
The right shaped stones were not
easily to find, so in time Man learned to fashion primitive tools to suit his
purposes. These tools were first used just for hunting, and gradually, they
developed into weapons that were deadly to people too.
Prehistoric Man’s tools could be made of bone , tooth, or
more frequently stone, and in particular, flint. At first, these primitive
weapons would be held directly in the hand. Eventually, however, Man learned
how to attach these axe- heads to a wooden shaft, the power of the weapon was
increased. As Man become more experienced in more stone tools, the tools became
more and more advanced in their design.
Arrowheads were a great advance, because they meant that
for the first time, Man could kill his prey or his enemy from a distance
without putting himself at risk.
man used rocks for tools and weapons, and also to extract minerals. When the
rocks on the surface were used up, he dug shallow pits to get the rocks he
wanted these were the very first mines. Underground mines came later.”